Insights: Key Personnel

HIPAA and the Risks with Contractors
Most public, private and governmental entities are well aware of their responsibilities, as covered entities, to protect health records and certain personal information. They have identified their areas of risk…

NJ Banker Magazine Features Article on Internal Audit by Salvatore Zerilli
Internal audit, when properly implemented, is an essential element to assist your financial institution in discovering control weaknesses, regulatory and policy violations, and operational inefficiencies. Such self-scrutiny provides an institution…

Relief For Small Business Retirement Plan Filing Penalties
The Internal Revenue Service began a one-year pilot program last June to help small businesses with retirement plans that owe penalties for not filing reporting documents. By filing current and…

Are You Subject to FATCA?
It’s a fact – FATCA is here. What is FATCA? How does it impact you or your company? If FATCA does apply, are you or your company compliant with its…

The U.S. Ranks Number Nine in Financial Literacy
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released the statistics on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which surveyed students in 18 countries on their knowledge and…

Data Analytics: A Valuable Investigative Tool
“Time is money” is an age-old expression deeply rooted in the lexicon of most individuals and businesses, especially those that derive their income by providing a service to others. In…

Tracking Data Theft By Thumb Drive
The theft of electronic information is rampant in today’s business world. It can be done by a disgruntled employee, a hacker looking to steal identities, or business partners looking to…

Frank Pina Selected to Receive the Annual NJBIZ Forty Under 40 Award
Frank Pina, CPA, CFF, CFE, CGMA, managing director of The Mercadien Group, principal in Mercadien, P.C., Certified Public Accountants, and a leader of its forensic and litigation support practice, has…

Lisa Thouin Elected to the Board of Trustees of Enable Inc.
Lisa M. Thouin, CPA, CGMA, managing director of The Mercadien Group, principal in Mercadien, P.C., Certified Public Accountants, and co-leader of its Nonprofit Services Group, has been elected to the…

Mercadien Hosts Seminar on Risk Management for Nonprofit Executives
More than 30 chief and financial executives of New Jersey nonprofit organizations attended The Mercadien Group’s complimentary breakfast seminar, “How to Manage Risk,” at its offices on August 5, 2014.…