Sherise Ritter

Have You Heard the Word Merger Lately?
I have. Almost everywhere I go, nonprofit community leaders are discussing working together or collaborating with other organizations. Just over a year ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Would Your…

NJ Business Magazine features article on Risk Management by Sherise Ritter
In today’s fast-paced business environment, coupled with significant regulatory, social and technological changes that have occurred the past few years, organizations are subject to myriad risks. As a result, it’s…

Nonprofits Should Keep Strategic Planning Top of Mind
There is an old adage: those who fail to plan have planned to fail. If you stop and think about it, we all dream of our goals. But not everyone…

MidJersey Chamber of Commerce Honors Sherise Ritter as Citizen of the Year
Sherise Ritter is living proof that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Growing up in Hamilton Square, one of her earliest altruistic experiences was helping her mother raise…

The New VUCA Paradigm
Mercadien’s Nonprofit Co-Services leader, Lisa Thouin, and I attended the AICPA’s Not-For-Profit (NFP) Industry Conference, a three-day event in Washington, D.C., where we learned about industry trends, developments on the…

Would Your Nonprofit Benefit From an Alliance or Merger?
Nonprofits are finding it increasingly difficult to operate under the continued financial uncertainty and regulatory pressures of the last several years. Many have reached the point where they have begun…