Sherise Ritter

The Near-Term for Nonprofits
I am happy to report that once again, Kyle, Lovepreet and I visited Washington, D.C. to attend the American Institute of CPA’s Annual Not-for-Profit Conference, held each summer. While there,…

The Bottom Line on Parking Benefits
By now, many of our readers may have heard about what was a little-known wrinkle in the new tax law. Whether you have or haven’t, we are going to break…

Enterprise Risk – Are You Properly Managing It?
When I ask my clients if they have a formal risk management process and plan, the discussion often goes to insurance. I get a “Yes, our buildings and other fixed…

Mercadien Sponsors Session at 2018 NJBIA Women Business Leaders Forum
The New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) Annual Women Business Leaders Forum was held Friday, September 14, 2018, at the Newark Liberty Airport Marriott. Under the theme, Empowering Together,…

Focusing on 4 New Nonprofit Accounting Standards Updates
Happy New Year! Saying this might make you think of Christmas in July but at Mercadien, July 1st starts our new fiscal year. Our tradition in the Nonprofit and Human…

3 Changes to Unrelated Business Income
While most nonprofits are tax exempt, that doesn’t mean they won’t pay business income tax. When nonprofits generate income from unrelated activities, the activities can be taxed as unrelated business…

Sherise Ritter Receives Award for Advocacy from Enable, Inc.
Congratulations to Sherise Ritter, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, PSA, who received the Enable Award for Advocacy at the nonprofit’s annual fundraising gala on April 27, 2018. A managing director and co-chair…

The IRS TE/GE Office 2018 Work Plan
The IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Office recently issued its fiscal year 2018 work plan. The plan outlines the issues the IRS will focus on as well as…

Does Your Human Service Provider Agency Have a Sustainable Business Model?
I’ve been helping numerous clients work through recent challenges stemming from funders’ demands, many of which are changing an organization’s entire way of getting paid. Take, as an example, a…

Assessing Near-Term Nonprofit Challenges
Friends and colleagues, I am writing this on the train ride home from Washington D.C., where Kyle, Lovepreet and I attended the annual AICPA Not-for-Profit Conference. The three-day getaway gives…