Melissa Correa

Melissa Correa

CRCM Managing Director at The Mercadien Group, Principal at Mercadien P.C., Certified Public Accountants

Financial Institutions


Melissa Correa is a managing director of the Mercadien Group, a principal of Mercadien, P.C., CPAs, and a member of the firm’s Financial Institutions Services Group. A seasoned industry consultant, she has a broad base of technical experience in all areas of risk management, regulatory compliance, FDICIA, internal auditing, accounting and finance.  She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of compliance monitoring reviews and internal audits for various financial institutions and agreed-upon procedures for many regional banks and U.S. branches of foreign institutions.

Working with financial institutions (banks and credit unions) for almost twenty years, in both a consulting capacity and on engagements, Melissa has expertise in numerous areas, including operational audits in deposit, accounting/finance, branch, commercial, residential and consumer lending, loan portfolio review, allowance for credit losses, asset/liability management, regulatory compliance, and Bank Secrecy and USA Patriot Acts.

Prior to joining Mercadien, Ms. Correa worked in community banking in Oklahoma and spent five years as an audit supervisor for a medium-sized accounting firm in Texas, where she obtained experience in multiple industries, including manufacturing, restaurant and nonprofits. Melissa worked on employee benefit plans and litigation support engagements, as well as operational and financial audits for banks and credit unions. She has extensive experience performing entity-wide risk assessments to facilitate the planning of internal audit functions for clients and overseeing implementation of corrective action plans.

Melissa has authored articles for the firm’s newsletter and presented seminars on many business topics, including compliance risk management and best practices in governance.

Ms. Correa resides in Oklahoma City, OK with her husband, daughter and son.


The Risks of Digital Marketing & Data Analytics in Banking

In the world of banking, technological advances are revolutionizing the way financial institutions market their services and expand their brand presence. The use of data analytics has provided banks with…

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Mercadien Announces Executive Promotions; Names Three New Partners

Princeton, NJ & Philadelphia, PA – Mercadien is pleased to announce several promotions within the firm’s corporate leadership team.  Ms. Melissa Correa, CRCM, a member of the Financial Institutions Services…

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7 Ways to Enhance Your Compliance Function

Ensuring your bank’s compliance function is effective and meeting expectations is of the utmost importance to regulators. This is evident through the design of the examination process and creation of…

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