Knowledge and Insights
NJ State Tax Alert: Filing Deadlines Extended
April 2020

Governor Phil Murphy, Senate President Steve Sweeney, and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, issued a joint statement on April 1, 2020, extending the state income tax filing deadline and the corporation business tax filing deadline from April 15 to July 15, following the IRS’s lead. Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York had all previously extended their deadlines to July 15.
The joint statement goes on to say, “Additionally, as part of the whole-of-government effort that is going into fighting COVID-19, we have agreed that the state fiscal year should be extended to September 30th. This will allow the Administration and the Legislature to focus fully on leading New Jersey out of this crisis, and to allow for a robust, comprehensive, and well-informed budget process later in the year.”
The joint statement does not address second quarter estimates, however, if the State follows the IRS, it will still be due June 15.
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