Mercadien’s SBA Loan Review Services
How Does Your Program Stack Up?
Small business lenders are subject to a considerable amount of regulatory scrutiny. Is your institution in compliance? Or is it at risk of losing the ability to provide SBA loans due to non-compliance?
The PARRiS review’s goal is to make a comprehensive assessment to determine if the lender’s operations, processes, and procedures exhibit prudent risk management practices in compliance with the Small Business Administration (SBA)'s Standard Operating Procedures. Without the advice of an expert, you could be exposed to regulatory scrutiny, which may result in your institution losing the ability to provide SBA loans to your customers.
Mercadien’s Financial Institutions Services Group has a team of experts who help to manage SBA matters and provide SBA loan reviews on a daily basis. Our compliance assessment process includes all aspects found on PARRiS reviews to ensure compliance with the SBA's Standard Operating Procedures. During this process, we evaluate the quality of your loan portfolio and assess the effectiveness and profitability of your lending function through reviewing your institution's credit policies and operational procedures, performing an eligibility assessment, then looking at loan underwriting, closing documentation, ongoing servicing requirements, and investor accounting.
Contact our team below if your institution needs assistance in managing your SBA loan review function to strategize on how we can help your institution’s needs while maintaining regulatory compliance, so your institution is not at risk of losing your standing with regulators.